Fachhochschulen in Österreich - Studium an FH - Top Jobs für Akademiker/innen
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FH Hagenberg - Studium Secure Information Systems (Master's Programme) (full time study programme)

General information:
Address: 4232 Hagenberg,
Softwarepark 11
Tel: +43 (0)50804-22500
Fax: +43 (0)50804-22599
E-Mail: sim@fh-hagenberg.at
Homepage: www.fh-ooe.at/sim

Contact information:

Head of Studies:
FH-Prof. DI Robert Kolmhofer
Programme Administrator:
Yvonne Horner, Bakk. techn.
Tel.: +43 (0)50804-22500
Fax: +43 (0)50804-22599
E-Mail: sim@fh-hagenberg.at
Web: www.fh-ooe.at/sim

Study information:
Occupational field: Computer Sciences
Type of study program master's programme
Organisational form: full-time study programme
Languages of instruction German
Degree: Master of Science in Engineering (MSc)
Duration of study program: 4 Semesters
Number of study places per year: 15
Tuition fees: 363,36¤ / Semester
Application deadline: 31 January, 31 March, 31 June

Application procedure: for details see http://www.fh-ooe.at/en/upper-austria/admission/application/

Top Jobs für AbsolventInnen
0 Top Jobs, recherchiert in allen Jobbörsen und Stellenanzeigen-Websites in Österreich

Studienziel & Studienschwerpunkt
This Master’s programme allows for further specialisation across the field of IT security, and in particular in such areas as networks, forensics, cryptography and law.

Note for applicants: the main language of instruction is German, although some modules may be offered in English.


Completion of at least a 6 semester specialised relevant Bachelor’s degree with IT strand worth a minimum of 60 ECTS towards accreditation, or comparable higher education at university level.
Sound knowledge of German

Berufschancen nach dem Studium?
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