Fachhochschulen in Österreich - Studium an FH - Top Jobs für Akademiker/innen
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FH Steyr - Studium Production and Management (Bachelor's Programme) (full time study programme)

General information:
Address: 4400 Steyr/Austria,
Wehrgrabengasse 1-3
Tel: +43 (0)50804-33100
Fax: +43 (0)50804-33199
E-Mail: pmt@fh-steyr.at
Homepage: http://www.fh-ooe.at/pmt

Contact information:
Director of Studies: Dr.Ing. Ulrich Seiler
Programme Administrator: Daniela Hüttner
Phone +43 (0)50804-33100
Fax -33199
Study information:
Occupational field: Economy & Technology
Type of study program bachelor's programme
Organisational form: full-time study programme
Languages of instruction German
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc)
Duration of study program: 6 semesters
Number of study places per year: 50
Semester abroad: made possible by the flexible syllabus
Tuition fees: 363,36¤ / Semester

Application deadline: 31st January, 31st March and 30 th June

Open house: 10th November 2017, 16th March 2018

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Qualifikationsprofil & Berufsbild

The degree course Production and Management (PMT) offers comprehensive management training for future managers in production enterprises. With the PMT degree course students are capable of holistically understanding interrelationships in enterprises, they learn to consider all economic, technical, legal, human and international aspects of business. Thus they can analyze and optimize the company’s performance - from procurement to production up to the delivery to the end customer . In the context of enterprise projects during their studies the students are able to apply their skills in practice. They deal with current topics, elaborate goal-oriented improvement measures and also apply them.


Studienziel & Studienschwerpunkt

Graduate of the course of studies PMT take on operational, planning and controlling tasks in manufacturing enterprises. They can accomplish these tasks in a goal-oriented and efficient way. Graduates recognize potential improvement measures, take on responsibility for costs and implement result-oriented measures.


Berufschancen nach dem Studium?
Karriere-Index bringt Orientierung!