Fachhochschulen in Österreich - Studium an FH - Top Jobs für Akademiker/innen
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FH Steyr - Studium Supply Chain Management (Master's Programme) (full time/career-parallel study programme)

General information:
Address: 4400 Steyr,
Wehrgrabengasse 1-3
Tel: +43 (0)50804-33200
Fax: +43 (0)50804-33299
E-Mail: scm@fh-steyr.at
Homepage: http://www.fh-ooe.at/scm

Contact information:
Head of Studies: Prof. (FH) DI Franz Staberhofer
Programme Administrator: Ursula Demmelmayr
Tel: 050804-33200
Fax: 050804-33299
Study information:
Occupational field: Economy & Management
Type of study program master's programme
Organisational form: full-time study programme, career-parallel study programme
Languages of instruction German
Degree: Master of Arts in Business (MA)
Duration of study program: 4 semesters
Number of study places per year: 60
Semester abroad: made possible by flexible syllabus
Tuition fees: 363,36¤ / Semester
Application: all information can be found under www.fh-ooe.at

Open house:

Friday, 14th November  2014
Friday, 20th March 2015

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Qualifikationsprofil & Berufsbild

The degree programme “Supply Chain Management” aims to train holistic thinking experts to hold managerial, staff and line positions as either project managers or consultants. They are qualified to structure, plan and evaluate innovative concepts in all kinds of enterprises and enterprise networks from an economic point of view, to bring about decisions and ensure their accepted implementation with a profound knowledge of all elements of the network.


Studienziel & Studienschwerpunkt

The challenge of the future is to make the transition from the management of individual departments to cooperative thinking and acting. Supply Chain Management – the cooperation of partners all along the value chain – makes this development from individual thinking to comprehensive cooperation possible. Intercompany strategies, cooperation with an international focus and the implementation of new concepts and technologies require top-level experts.


Berufschancen nach dem Studium?
Karriere-Index bringt Orientierung!