career prospects
of this Bachelor’s program are active in particular in the following
fields and segments, for which substantial growth rates, and therefore
excellent career prospects are projected. This program might therefore
be regarded as a sort of ‘missing link’ between the main categories of
current MCI study programs, which prepare students for a career on a
either management level in traditionally profit-oriented industries or
in classic fields of social work, whose services are intended to
support clients faced with specific problem situations.
- health | nursing | public health | health promotion
- social services | basic social security | provision of subsistence | welfare
- culture | leisure | recreation | sports
- churches | religious communities
- education | studies | science | research
- career | personal development | mediation | coaching | self-help
- regional development | regional & location management | economic development
- territorial administration | central, regional or local authorities | national & international administrative bodies
- supply & waste disposal | public utilities | infrastructure
- international cooperation | international organizations | development aid
- politics | associations | interest groups | citizens’ groups & lobbying
- (social) insurance | financing | foundations | fundraising | consulting | independent professions