Fachhochschulen in Österreich - Studium an FH - Top Jobs für Akademiker/innen
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FH Steyr - Studium Operations Management (Master's Programme) (full time/career-parallel study programme)

General information:
Address: 4400 Steyr,
Wehrgrabengasse 1-3
Tel: +43 (0)50804-33800
Fax: +43 (0)50804-33899
E-Mail: omt@fh-steyr.at
Homepage: http://www.fh-ooe.at/omt

Contact information:
Head of Studies: Prof. (FH) DI Dr. Herbert Jodlbauer
Programme Coordinator: DI Hans-Peter Feichtenschlager
Programme Administrator: Mag. Irene Kronsteiner-Urban
Phone: 050804-33800
Fax: 050804-33899

Study information:
Occupational field: Economy & Management
Type of study program master's programme
Organisational form: full-time study programme, career-parallel study programme
Languages of instruction German
Degree: Master of Science in Engineering
Number of study places per year: 40
Semester abroad: made possible by the flexible syllabus
Tuition fees: 363,36¤ / Semester
Application: all information can be found under www.fh-ooe.at

Open house:

Friday, 14th November 2014
Friday, 20th March 2015

Top Jobs für AbsolventInnen
0 Top Jobs, recherchiert in allen Jobbörsen und Stellenanzeigen-Websites in Österreich

Qualifikationsprofil & Berufsbild

The OMT graduates are able to shape the management, planning and control mechanisms of an enterprise in a result-oriented way. Further, they can introduce and optimally use ERP systems.In a constantly changing, complex environment they are able to take on strategic, planning, formative and networked tasks within the enterprise as well as manage the interface between suppliers and customers. As management personnel they devise goals and guidelines together with their team, implement measures to ensure these goals are reached and examine the results. Graduates take on responsibility for costs, results and leadership issues.


Studienziel & Studienschwerpunkt

In the era of globalization and dynamic change the demands increase for production enterprises to align themselves economically and in a customer-oriented way. The Master’s degree course in Operations Management (OMT) offers a trendsetting management training programme, which promotes those competencies which are a prerequisite for the realisation of strategic as well as planning and control tasks. The programme enables students to recognize, analyze and solve complex problems in the enterprise and its surrounding field. 


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